Book Youth and Senior Fares

Youth Fare

Youth fare is available online for passengers aged 16 to 25 years* inclusive at the time of departure of the first segment of the travel.

* For passengers aged 12 to 15 years inclusive, please book a youth fare via our Ticket Offices or Call Centre, as a request for an unaccompanied minor must be made.

* If you are travelling to/from Delhi and your age is between 26 and 28 years inclusive, you may book your flight via our Ticket Offices or Call Centre.

Senior Fare

Senior fare is available for passengers aged 60 years old or over at the time of departure of the first segment of the travel.

Web Check-in, Mobile Check-in and Self-Service Сheck-in Kiosk are not available for this type of fare. Verification of travel documents will be carried out at the airport upon checking in. If you do not fall into the age category above, you will be denied boarding. The airline will not be liable for costs associated with it.

This list does not display some routes where airline offers a youth fare and senior. If the route you are interested in is missing in the list, please contact our Call Centre.